General Rules

  1. Every student must carry his/her almanac and identity card to school each day. Late comers shall not be permitted.

  2. Students who come on their own should arrive before the bell rings.

  3. The morning assembly is compulsory for all staff and students. Children should reach the assembly promptly after the bell rings in a line and in silence.

  4. Changing of class rooms between period should be done in a meticulous manner and silently.

  5. The school uniform must be worn on all working days and for all school functions and educational trips.

  6. The school is not responsible for goods lost. It is not advisable to bring expensive article to school viz gold, silver etc.

  7. Students who come to school with their attendant should never leave before the attendant arrives. In case of the delay they should intimate the school office.

  8. A student should affix his/her photograph and write the required information, duly signed by parents, in the space provided for in the almanac.

  9. Parents and guardians must not visit their wards in the school without the Principal’s permission.

  10. Parents and guardians of all students should contact on the PTA days to note the progress of their ward. This is compulsory.

  11. School premises should not be littered with disposable tumblers, papers or polythene bags.

  12. Students are not permitted to bring mobile phones, smart watches, or similar devices to school. Strict action will be taken against any child found in possession of a mobile phone.

  13. The Principal may, at any time, require a parent to withdraw a child from the school and reserves the right to dismiss any student if she considers it in the best interest of the school and its students.

  14. Parents are requested to refrain from taking their children back home during school hours.