Rules for Examination

    1. There will be no re test/exam except for the students participating in events organized by the school.

    2. If any student fails to appear in any test/exam, passing marks will be given if proper reason with evidence is submitted. Medical certificate is to be submitted along with its prescription. A phone no. of the doctor should be given for cross checking.

    3. No request of rechecking or scrutiny will be accepted after the copies are shown to the students once. If it is genuine, an application should be addressed to exam incharge on the very next day.

    4. Report card will not be given to the students. Parents/Guardian are requested to come personally to receive report cards.

    5. Promotion / compartment policy in all the classes shall be strictly as per the guidelines & examination By Laws issued by CBSE New Delhi.

    6. All students should be present in school on the opening day of each term.

    7. Irregular attendance, unjustified absence or objectionable behavior justifies dismissal. If a student is absent for fifteen consecutive days without an application or for three days at the beginning of term, her name may be struck off the rolls.

    8. No books, other than the required text books may be brought to school. No student should bring to the school objectionable articles, electronic goods such as camera, tape-recorder, knives, weapons, crackers, explosive etc. The offenders are liable to be dismissed or rusticated from the school and the confiscated goods will not be returned. The decision of the school authorities is binding on all.

    9. Any damage of school property will have to be made good. The decision of the Principal regarding the amount is final.

    10. No student suffering from a contagious or infectious disease will be permitted to attend school. After recovery a fitness medical certificate is to be submitted.

    11. During school hours, students are not allowed to receive visitors or make phone calls.

    12. Any student desiring to be exempted from P.T. or games must produce a doctor’s certificate to the effect the she/he is physically unfit to take part.

    13. All students should be habitually clean and always neatly dressed. They are expected to come in school uniform every day.

    14. The Diary should be brought to the school daily.

    15. Students are not allowed to enter a classroom other than their own.

    16. Articles found in school or on its premises are to be handed over to the office.

    17. Students should at all cost avoid writing, carving and scratching on walls and furniture. Such habits are detrimental to good education and a sign of low taste.

    18. Principal’s permission is required :-

(A) To make collection for purpose whatever.

(B) To arrange for a party, picnic or meeting.

(C) To Join sports or to play a game not arranged by the school.

(D) To give presents to teachers or stage demonstration in their honours.

19. No student is allowed to take private tuition from the teachers of D.P. Public School.

20.Long finger nails, nail-polish, Mehendi, the wearing of finger rings, chains or any kind of Jewellery are strictly prohibited. The school will not be responsible for their loss. Mobiles phones are not allowed.

21. All are expected to speak in English in School to be able to express themselves better in written oral work.

22. Those who come to school without proper uniform or the School Dairy will be penalized.

23. If a student loses his/her Dairy they should buy a new one.

24. Things and articles forgotten by the students to bring to the school and brought by the parents to the office will not be accepted.

25. If any student is found using unfair means, such as having in their possession papers, notes, or any other material or information related to the examination on the paper concerned, they will be given a zero in the subject.