Leave Rules and Regulations
Coming to school rules is an integral part of student’s life. This inculcates discipline and regularity in a student which in turn creates moral values and holistic education gained by a child in the school environment.
Students who have been sick for more than 3 days will bring medical certificate from their doctor on rejoining the school.
All students will attend school on the reopening days after every vacation.
It is compulsory for all the students to maintain regular attendance during the course of the Academic Session. 75% attendance is mandatory to enable them to appear for the Final Assessment (as per CBSE norms). The percentage, however, could be relaxed on medical grounds. A certificate of merit will be given to students with 100% attendance.
Provision of Half Day leave is expunged, but in emergency, request can be considered for genuine reasons. Any type of leave will however be granted on the written request of authorized signatory via the school diary. Leave will be granted only for serious illness, death of near and dear ones, natural calamity marriage of real brother/sister, aunty, uncle(mother’s or father’s brother/sister) and any other convincing reason.
No leave will be entertained during examination, except in medical cases. LEAVE CRITERIA FOR STUDENTS OF BOARD CLASSES WILL BE DIFFERENT.
Those who come late or remain absent on the previous day must bring a note in the designated late coming record page in the School Dairy only, giving reason for late coming, duly signed by authorized signatory.
A pupil who is found to be habitually absent without a bonafide reason or any explanation from parents or guardian is liable to have his/her name struck off from the roll of the school register and information will be passed on to the parent/guardians.
A student must not leave the school during the working hours without a gate-pass.